KK meets christmas parcel Konvoi 2016

Since 15 years the Christmas parcel convoy to Eastern Europe, organized through the Round Table family ( Round table, Old Tablers, Lady Circle; Tangent), has departed to the target countries, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine and Moldavia. The parcels have been collected mainly through German children at KIndergardens and Primary Schools from all over Germany. This year also from Round Table Austria. In total 106.000 parcels / presents to underprivileged children in Eastern Europe. This is a record number in the history of the convoy. 26 trucks fully loaded with Christmas packages, 4 buses with more than 150 Tablers and Circlers eager to hand over the presents to the  children made time to join. 

The departure was a very emotional moment!


Pictures from the german christmas parcel convoy 2016 [Fabian Engler]