41 GB&I AGM 2017 in Blackpool – great tabling with friends! [Engelbert Friedsam]
Dear Tablers,
The GB&I 41 Club AGM is happening jointly with Tangent. As a result, there are lots of participants at the weekend, which starts already on Thursday in a very relaxed way, where Tablers and Tangents are catching up and enjoy fun and fellowship! When I arrived at the venue hotel there were so many participants welcoming me. I felt very touched and impressed about me being so popular. It must be a result of the recurring visits to the GB&I AGMs over more than 7 years. I use the time in the discussions to exchange on 41 International topics and also learn about the new GB & I Board and the activities to work closer with Round Table.
On Friday I joined the board meeting to address the 41 International topics and upcoming
next steps. The approach and focus on the items of the 41 International strategic plan has been confirmed. There is the clear understanding to work with Round Table for a better future of both organizations. Key discussion topic was the question “How can 41 Members support the identification of young men as candidates to Round Table?” and the key importance to explain to them “Why should you join Round Table and what is in for you?” within the first five sentences… to open up and be ready to shift individual priorities to develop the own and get ahead of completion in life. Good news is that Round Table GB&I is growing again now for two consecutive years! The GB&I 41er have started to help and the results are promising.
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I also stated that GB&I is the largest 41 Club organization and because of that has to play an active role in 41 International and take more responsibility for our wonderful organization. I received the application of GB&I for 41 International Vice-Presidency 2020-2021 at the business meeting. The new Board is now led by Dave Campbell, Vice-President is Phill Ellis. The 2018 GB&I AGM will be held in Belfast.
The gala night and also the fun night took place in a great ball room with a wonderful atmosphere just under the well-known iron tower, similar to the Eifel-Tower in Paris, France, but of course smaller in size. The ball room can be compared to the “Wiener Opernball” Room in Vienna, Austria. The president reception of Barry Durman as outgoing president happened at the top of the tower which was just awesome and fitted so well for this. I was quite impressed. Congratulations to the organizing team to select such a prestigious location J!
The banner exchange was orchestrated by the toast master in typical GB&I style. Great to experience this. Unfortunately the banner exchange was done in parallel to the business meeting of Tangent GB&I, so no ladies were present.
Another great AGM that showed that Oldies can party J!
The visit of the GB&I AGM has now been the final one for me as your 41 International President. This closes the loop J! Including this event I have visited just over 20 countries during my year. I am very humbled that I have got this opportunity to serve you all as the 41 International President 2016-2017. Me and my Board have given our best and have received so much back from you! Just wonderful!
Now Monika and I are on the way to Sun City in South Africa to enjoy the upcoming 41 International 2017 AGM! Hope to see quite a few of you there and jointly take a “bath in Tabling” together!
Long live Round Table and 41 International together with Lady Circle, Tangent and Agora our Round table Family!
We are all Tablers!
Engelbert Friedsam
41 International President 2016 – 2017