The Old Tablers Germany AGM 2017 in Cologne – Carnival meets Old Tablers at the Gala evening! [Engelbert Friedsam]

engelbert_otdDear Tablers,

Immediately the weekend after Monika and I have arrived back home from the outstanding 41 International AGM in Sun City now visiting the German AGM in Cologne. As Bruce cannot travel up to 8th June because of work commitments he has asked me to represent 41 International at the second largest 41er organization, which is by chance my home organization, so home play :-)!

It is for me coming home after my year of Presidency of 41 International.  It starts already Friday afternoon after we arrive at the hotel… Numerous Old Tablers come up to me with questions about my year as 41 International President. Questions like: you have been so active and traveling so much… are you now relieved? Is the burden now off? You must be tired after all this… but also positive words like: Congratulations for your achievements over the years in regard to initiate the active working relationship with RTI and the national RT organizations… great job done, what next? Uuups… what next… I have not thought about this at all as I will be busy this year with extension of 41 International as Past President, so still about 11 months out to answer the question “What next?”.


At the welcome evening this continues. Many Oldies just want to talk to me to get the latest 41 international news and want to hear from me how I am doing after such a year. And last but not least Oldies just congratulating me for the job well done. I feel very much honored and humbled at the same time, as at any point I have not felt burdened, or overloaded as I just continued to deliver with the help of so many 41ers including my board what I had in mind in connection with the overall strategic plan of 41 International.

It dawns on me that I cannot easily become a “simple floor member” anymore. The Oldies will continue to ask for my opinion in the future. Let’s see.

gruppe2_otdAt the Business Meeting on Saturday I read out the 41 International President message of Bruce.  It is well received as Bruce will follow the strategic direction 41 International has been following for the last 4-5 years. Also the HYM workshop focus on the name discussion is well appreciated.

I added my big thank you for all the support I received during my 41 International years from the OTD Germany board, from the council members and individual Oldies form the German Old Tablers community. I was very humbled to receive standing ovations at the end of my speech. I will never forget.

gala2Then great news is announced by OTD President Peter Weiss. Bob Parton, a Tabler by heart and so well known national and international has been given the award of Honorary Member of Old Tablers Germany for his outstanding continued support and contribution. Congratulations BobJ! You definitely deserve it!

Norbert Frei has taken over as OTD President from Peter Weiss. New Vice is Georg Pfaff. The new IRO following Christoph Weimann after his 4 years in this role is Stefan Wark.

The banner exchange was well done and in a way that all guests were entertained. The gala evening had a great surprise for the audience.  Cologne is one of the centers in Germany with a great carnival minded population. gala_1No wonder that this is also true for the Oldies of the Old Tablers Club of Cologne.  The organizers had asked the AGM joiners to come with their music instruments to the AGM and play Cologne popular carnival songs at the gala evening… and what a success!!! They did so well that everybody was up and singing and dancing… resulting in a gala evening at it’s best!


Monika and I were accompanied by our friends Albrecht Seltmann and Gerrie from Switzerland. Both took a stopover at our place in Hanau and jointly carried on to Cologne together with us.

Now we are on the way to join the 41 Club Italy AGM in Parma and represent 41 International. More news on this visit after the AGM.

We are all Tablers!


Engelbert Friedsam

Past President 41 International 2017 – 2018

OT 74 Hanau
