President’s Christmas message [Bruce McKay]

Dear 41 Club Members, Tablers and all our Friends,

Wow the year is certainly moving very quickly. I hope and trust that you are all well.

Firstly, allow me to thank you all for the absolutely fantastic way that I have been welcomed and treated when visiting all your AGM’s. When Tanja managed to join me she too was welcomed and treated with great friendship and warmth. It is indeed a very humbling experience for the two of us and we are very lucky and proud to be associated with our 41 Club family from around the world…yes you are all our family and you make us feel as part of yours.

There have been some great things happening throughout the year so far with regard to 41 Club and fortunately most of them have been positive. We are in talks with the French, we have inaugurated new 41 clubs in various countries, we will be forming an association in Kenya early in 2018 and much more….visit our website at to catch all the latest news.

The Communique has been going out like clockwork every month, thank you Dr Sid. The reports after the AGM’s have been placed on the website for all to see and share. The website is growing and Fabian is doing a great job…our very own 41 club app is busy being developed…these are exciting times in 41 Club and you and I are fortunate to be part of it.

Thank you to my fellow board members for all their support so far, it has been easy as you guys are doing an awesome job. Thank you to Bob Parton and all the great 41’ers and Tablers out there that are involved in the very special children’s Christmas Gift program.

Yes, it is that time of year again, its Christmas time. This time of year, is very special and holds different meanings for each one of you, but the one thing we cannot deny is that during this time of year we need to try and help those less fortunate than ourselves…I urge you all to share some Christmas joy amongst our fellowman and in our communities and remember that without each other we have nothing.

McKay Family

In closing my family and I would like to wish you all a blessed Christmas and joyous new year. If you are travelling do so safely and keep each other in your minds. May you experience only joy over this time and we look forward to meeting up with you all next year.

41’er Regards
