CNR/HYM 2018 La Rochelle 16-18 Feb. 2018 international guests

Dear Friends,

Our HYM in La Rochelle starts tomorrow. Over 1600 participants in majority 41ers but also Tablers, Ladies and Agora  attend our meeting sharing friendship, warm environment, good food from different French regions, excellent wines, beers and other special drinks.

This year we are honored and proud through the presence of more and more international guests. Huge thank you for your participation and special congratulation to our friends organizing a stand with local food and drinks from BELGIUM, GERMANY, MOROCCO, PORTUGAL. They will be fully integrated in our 17 regional stands offering their local specialties and drinks.

Please find here the name of our international guests.

International friends HYM CNR 2018

A great event.

Our local convenors of 41 Clubs La Rochelle have worked hard during months and arrival is close. They deserve a huge applause!

Our president Bruno and the national committee are proud to welcome you in La Rochelle.

Happy to meet soon! Bienvenue.

