41Club Zambia – NATIONAL COUNCIL 2018/19

Dear 41ers,

This serves to notify you that the following is your 2018/19 National Council:

President Chongo Kasongole
V/President Ferdinand Menzu
N/Secretary Mbenge Musweu
N/Treasurer Charles Bupe
IRO/ILO Harold Shafukuma
Stores Conv Moffat Nyirenda
Publicity Sec Suba Lungu
Table Liaison Willis Muhanga
IPP Choongo Chibawe

We have no doubt you will all support your national council during its tenure of office. 

  • May the Hinges of Friendship Never Rust
  • May the Bonds of Fellowship never Fade
  • May the 41ers’ Links on our Land and around the World never be Broken

Yours In Forty-Oner
Mbenge Muswe
National Secretary(2018/19)