International HYM 12.-14. October 2018 in Marrakech [Ulrich Suppan]

A wonderful weekend with and by Friends!

A lot of New Experiences in our 41 world!

Remarkable PreTours show is the beauty, landscape, culture and people of Morocco!

One group with daily different participants attended day trips to Atlasmountain with horse riding , dessert tour with quads and lunch with many Tangene‘s with curcuma chicken in a tent; a day on the seaside with goats on Argana trees and different dinner in Marrakech!

A well developed town with more then 1 million people – on one side like an European Metropole and on another side also old traditions and Souks like an Arabic Metropole. Founded in the 12 century with a famous mosque, 19 km city wall, gardens, culture, industry, modern new Quartiers, best hotel of the world 2017, festival town , lot of tourists and nice and wonderful people!

Another group with about 170 participants from all over the 41 world took part on a 4 days Royal Cities Tour to Casablanca, Rabat, Meknes und Fes! We visit exiting old  cities with unbelievable old culture and buildings, traditional handicrafts and market places! Long day tours and common dinners brought all participants closer together. Only some problems with the tour guide and illness due to foreign food brought unhappy  moments.

The weekend started with homeparties  in wonderful houses of 41 friends. All of us were deep impressed of these way of living, different food, local wine and beer with high quality. This evening was the beginning of new clubfriendship and time for good discussions about private and club matters. A huge thank you to Aziz and his 41 and RT friends in Morocco for the exiting hospitality!

41 International HYM 2018 – Homeparties [Pictures]

Friday morning started with meetings and culture and shopping tours in Marrakech! 
The evening started with an official act for a 41 delegation in the city hall!

I got in the name of 41 International a special honour from Aouatif Berdai, the Vice mayor and spouse of Aziz , 41 President of Morocco! An unforgettable event!

Afterwords started a get-together party with a Morocco dinner and a dancing show „1000 and 1 night“! A pitoresque evening with open end!

Saturday morning official HYM with delegates from 20 nations !

The important new discussions:

1) Legal Status:

In the moment we are a corporation with 28 single members and no registered company. We have no possibility to open an own bank account in the name of 41 International! We have an old account in GB&I in the name of a former Int. treasurer with a privat registration in Marchesi House/ Birmingham.For open an own account we have to change our legal status in a Non Profit Association. All delegates support this ideas! Our treasurer Didier will formulate a draft and we will inform all members to decide on the next AGM!

2)Name discussion 

After long  discussions on 2 HYM’s and statement of RTI  we can’t use the word Tabler in our name. Therefore the board suggested : ‚41 Clubs International ‚!  Each member nation have the own decision to change their name! Only for the International name is the voting on AGM Brussels!

3) Service Award for Support Education- New Generation!

41 Int. is looking for a  new characteristic and presented a new idea for an Int. Service Project! Still running service projects on national or international level could be presented to the board till March every year! We present all and vote for one as a service project of the year! We ask for a donation of EUR 1 per member or maximum EUR 1000 per nation! The call is coming soon!

4)RTI VP Sebastian presented the actual member directory of RT in a new stile! Tabler. world is a portal of all the RT members worldwide! Every 41 member nation can implant this platform and Sweden is beginning this experience! Another possibility to close the gap between 41 and RT!

After long presentations and discussion we had lunch time on a golf resort nearby! 

Some members of the board use the time after lunch for a meeting between presidents of RTI, LCI, TI Agora International and 41 International. Since that time we are all together linked under the platform “Round Table Family” and work closer together.


The big gala evening with more than 400 friends all over the world on a marvellous conference building with garden and open terraces shown us the last time a real Moroccan Night with excellent music, video show, eating, dancing at it’s best.

A huge “Thank you” to president Aziz and all friends from 41 and RT Morocco for the organisation and hospitality.


Ulrich Suppan

41 International President


Mobil. +43 6643417339

4 values 1 idea – 41 our network