Report: Charter 41 Senegal! [Ulrich Suppan]
11years ago the first 41 club was chartered in Dakar, the capital from Senegal! Now president Francois Gomis and 20 41er invited us on 21.09 to celebrate the National charter of Club 41 Senegal!
The weekend started on Friday with a sightseeing tour to Lac Rose- with a bath in the very salty lake like in the Death Sea with healthy mood! A get- to getter Party was the first opportunity to have talks and soon Dakar and its history and great development to a million city and commercial center of West Africa and also the development of RT and 41 was well known!
The charter act on Saturday was special, because of the location and the temperature !
About 60 41er and Tablers took the ferry at 30* Celsius to Gotto, an island in viewdisdance to Dakar and the former center of the slavery! About 80 Million of black people was brought to America between 17th and 19th centuries! After visiting the Museum of the Slavary House we was invited of the Governer of the Island in the city hall! The ceremony was accompanied through the representatives of The Godfathers from Morocco- P Said Khandid and Iro Bachir Namany, and France- P Alex Frizel and PP Francois Motillon and me! I had the honor to explain our 41 International world with an historical overview and our actual values: friendship – partnership- family and service, and our actuall vision : make a Tabler a year! Than followed the adresses from The Godfathers, RT Senegal and the Governer! The whole ceremony and signing the Charter document was very grave! The new P Francois presented the 20members and declared the wonderful friendship in the club, the national and international contacts and the strong link to Rt and a strong service project! It was a great punch for our ideas!
During the Gala on the evening with an dancing Show and Special dinner all the new friends from Senegal gave a great thank you to the foreign guest with exciting gifts!
Sunday was the Service project day: All of us visiting a school project with handling over schoolmaterial, money support from Morocco and Austria and – very important: a personal support to that community with about 300 pupils! Thanks 41 Senegal for this efforts!
After a swimming experience in the Atlantic sea at the private house of Olivier Hans a wonderful weekend ended!
For most of us Senegal was unknown before , but now:
41 Family has a great new partner with strong values and 41 International hopes that 41 Senegal would be soon a new pillar in 41 Africa!
Thank you for you hospitality
Ulrich Suppan
41 International Past President
Mobil. +43 6643417339
4 values 1 idea – 41 our network