41 International – HYM 2019 – List of delegates as at 04.10.2019 [Alex Abela]
During the last couple of months since our last update, the HYM2019 team has continued to work hard to ensure that the meeting and all related events run as smoothly as possible.
Despite closing the registrations at the end of August 2019, we continued to receive numerous requests asking us to provide them with a registration form. We did this, and quite a waiting list developed. The organisation team strived to try and increase some more places for all of the events. We were successful in obtaining some more seats for the Saturday Gala dinner. Our plan was and still is to try and accommodate as many as possible. It is certainly not our intention to leave out people willing to travel and participate in this important international half-yearly meeting. During the months of August and September, we received a number of cancellations. Because of this, we managed to accommodate all those registrations on the waiting list. However, due to logistical size of some of the events, we are unable to accommodate any more registrations for the Friday evening and Saturday lunch. If there is interest for the Thursday evening Welcome Party event as well as the Gala Dinner on Saturday evening, there only a few spaces left. We shall try and accommodate where possible and requests will be treated on a first-come-first-served basis.
For some of the delegates, you may require a Schengen Visa to visit Malta. We have issued quite a number to all those who have requested it. If by any chance there are others, please contact me (Alex Abela) with your passport details, immediately.
Please find attached the updated list of delegates attending the 41 International HYM 2019 being held in Malta. This is the updated up to today Friday 4 October 2019.
Early next week, these listed delegates will start to receive our welcome letter which will consist of details appertaining to the opening times when the registration desk will be open, details of the events and venues, dress code, details for the Friday Themed Evening and airport transfers to and from the hotel, amongst other things.
So stay tuned for more information coming your way.
Should you have any last-minute queries, please do not hesitate to contact us co-convenors, Alex Abela and John Messina on hym2019malta@41international.net
Alex Abela & John Messina
41 International HYM 2019