Christmas season message and greetings from the International president
Dear Friends in 41 International and Round Table Family,
In these troubled times when we are all encouraged to stay home and ensure each other’s safety, let me wish we you and your closest family a happy holiday season with the ones you love the most. Let the increased warmth of our hearts replace the number of our guests this year.
In the coming months of 2021, we shall have the opportunity to better protect ourselves and those around us thanks to the incredible progress that science has made in the last few years and the solidarity and sacrifices that the people and governments of the world have indulged while we were confined.
Soon, will come the days when we can travel freely again and hopefully meet at international events and AGM’s to celebrate our friendship together.
In the meantime, it is so rejoicing to see that many of you have adapted and adopted newer and safer ways of working and meeting and organising their national and local events. It is indeed through adversity that we can measure the best of what we can do. Let us not forget how we reacted and the abilities we have developed. They will certainly help us strengthen our ties and improve our club relations in the future.
Let us not forget either how difficult the last 12 months have been for Round Table and Ladies Circles that depend so much on their activities and club meetings to invite potential new friends. More than ever will they need us to help them grow and prosper. Let us use the next few months to ponder on their difficult situation and think of the potential candidates we can point to them when the more favourable moments come.
Yours in 41 and Round Table Family
Luc Trigaux,
International President 2020-21