41 INTERNATIONAL Extension report 2020/2021 [Ulrich Suppan]
Hello 41 Friends of Nepal, Arabian Gulf, Eastern Africa and Senegal!
On behalf of 41 International, may I convey to you the warmest Season greetings!
Since not only all countries but also all clubs of the Round Table Family are affected by COVID-19 19, we are trying to make club life virtual as well! At the end of January, a virtual 41 Int. HYM will take place and on 29 May hopefully a real 41 Int. AGM in Verona/Italy!
I have written a new extension report and have taken the liberty of including you in it.
We invite you to join our worldwide family and offer our assistance. Please contact me or our secretary Gopal!
We hope to receive some reports and membership applications soon.
With best regards and Yi41
Ulrich Suppan
IPP 41 International
Extension report 2020/2021
As IPP, my aim is to establish contacts with potential new members and to support them in joining 41 International.
Since 2013, the 41 Int. board has been developing strategies to strengthen 41 International:
2 milestones are the conclusion of the MOU as a basis for the cooperation between 41ers and Tablers on international, national and regional level and
the foundation and institutional development of the “Round Table Family” as a platform between 41Int., RTI, LCI, TGI and ACI!
On this basis we were able to intensify the contacts to new member candidates. We can take advantage of the fact that 41 International has about 35,000 members in 27 nations and RTI has about 31,000 members in 57 nations.
I would like to introduce 4 candidates to you today, who may apply for membership in 5 months at the International AGM in Verona. This is only a short presentation, and I hope each of them use this platform for more and direct information!
Round Table Nepal was founded in 1999 at the national level and has developed very well. RTN has a long-term service theme “Build the Nation Through Education”:
46 schools, 316 classrooms, more than 15,000 students and other projects, including int. aid, are supported annually.
On this basis, former Tablers have already formed several 41 clubs and will form a club at the national level.
Only Corona has prevented a national AGM in 2020 and this is to be made up for soon. Dear friends in Nepal, the International 41 family is waiting for you.
some general facts about Nepal:
It is half the size of Italy and has about 30 million inhabitants.
It is the country where the “sky touches the earth”: the 8 highest mountains including Mount Everest.
80% Hindu, 10% Buddhist and religion is an important part of daily life.
The national dish is dal bath a lentils-rice dish
Round Table Eastern Afrika has a long tradition in Kenya. Under the influence of RT England
and many families with Indian roots, a continually active Round Table was established.
Many service projects to support youth and schools have already been implemented.
One of these projects is “the School of Hope” in Kisumu with the active support of RT and OT Germany. Therefore, 41 International organised a board meeting in Kisumu on 29.01.2018 and Club 41 Kenya was launched with several clubs.
In 2020, the contact was intensified, and the international 41 family is waiting for 41 Kenya to join.
some general facts:
The Republic of Kenya is 1.5 times the size of Germany and has about 54 million inhabitants.
It is “the cradle of mankind” and is characterised by endless landscapes, wild animals and a colourful culture.
Most of the population is Christian, but Islam also plays an important role.
Economically, the government has committed themselves to the “Big 4”: Food security, housing, health care and expansion of the manufacturing sector. The average age is about 20 years.
Agriculture and tourism are the main economic factor!
One of the national dishes is ugali made of corn!
Round Table Arabian Gulf consists of clubs in Kuwait, Bahrain, VAR and Oman! For many years, service projects have been carried out both nationally and internationally. For example, Ramadan Fridges: about 200 fridges were installed during Ramadan in Dubai. These fridges need the support from the local community for filling and they are for the foreign less fortune!
Some Extablers are discussing the establishment of 41arabian gulf and the 41 International board wanted to support them at the AGM 2020 in Dubai. Unfortunately, it had to be postponed. Now we are waiting for you.
some facts:
The Cooperation Council of the Arab States in the Gulf (GCC) consists of Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi-Arabia and VAR. They are 7x the size of Germany and have about 45 million inhabitants.
The GCC states are the economically strongest of the Arab countries. They are united by the Arabic language, the Islamic religion and the recognition of the Arab identity, which is linked to the concept of the Ummah, the theological concept of the community of all Muslims.
The Arab culture of negotiation has historically been strongly characterised by trade and mobility. Currently they are in a process of change and becoming more cosmopolitan.
The national dish in VAR is Khuzi, a roast lamb with spiced rice.
Round Table Senegal has been around since 1982, starting with RT France, and Club 41 Dakar since 2008!
They are both continually active in service. For example, in cooperation with RT 8 Frankfurt/Germany, an ambulance and an ambulance station were built.
Currently there are 1 RT and 1 41 Club in the capital Dakar.
On the foundation of 41 National Senegal, a local school project was presented and supported together with the 41 Int. guests.
41 Senegal has already applied for membership at the HYM in Malta 2019.
A report on 41 Club and Country Senegal has already been published on our Int website in 2019 by PP Martial Bonvallet.
In addition, contacts are being made with Extablers in Luxembourg, Estonia, Madagascar, New Zealand and Canada.
Also, during the pandemic worldwide, attempts were made to maintain club contacts.
We all hope that Covid 19 will soon be over and we can meet again in person.
Many greetings to all 41er worldwide.
Ulrich Suppan IPP 2019/20/21