41 International Farewell Report [Ulrich Suppan]
Dear 41-Friends
2015, 6 years ago marked the beginning of my journey for 41 International.
After many great experiences and personal friendships established and deepened at many boardmeetings, AGM’s and HYM’s, the official part of my journey is now coming to an end. And also after about 70.000 travel kilometres.
Forever for me will remain dear friendships in all countries with Tablers and 41-ers. Also the realization that this trip is one of the most important in my life.
I am proud to have helped in our 41-er family to strengthen our ideas and to carry them further.
Before I get too pathetic, I would like to point out a few important points for me and also for 41 International during this period:
Let me begin with a new experience:
We are Part of The Round Table Family
After the conclusion of the laborious discussion for a name change and implementation of the term “Tabler” in 41 International and finally the refusal of RTI to use the name Tabler also for friends who are over 40, it came since 2018 again to a stronger connection to RTI.
Former RTI President Sebastian Walter brought us very close to Tabler World at the HYM in Marrakesch. This was essential for our further joint international development.
At the same time on 15. October 2018, a first official meeting of the presidents and presidentessas of 41 International, RTI, LCI, TCI and Agora I took place.
Then, in February 2019, at RTI’s HYM in Rovaniemi, the common new name was created and subsequently approved by all: We are Part of The Round Table Family.
Since then, the number of participants at 41-er World and also all members of the RT family has also been steadily increasing.
Another point was
Open door for 41 France
The mutual points of view were discussed and many similarities were found. My friendship with the French IRO and number 121 of the Golden Stomach Michel Bourguet made many things possible. I was able to personally present our points of view as Int. President at a French HYM. Especially also the idea of the Golden 41-er.
The next step is now in France (with more than 6.000 41-er friends) and our door is open!
One of the most important points was the
Foundation of 41 International asbl
After long discussions we managed, especially with the active support of Martin Hartl, IRO Italy, to reach a new important legal position.
From a Cooperation to an Association.
An own legal personality with the possibility of an own account management, club identity on an international basis and also the possibility to create an own Charity Fund with all rights and duties.
The ceremonial signing of the deed took place on 07.02.2020 in Luxembourg. At the same time the HYM of RTI took place. It was again the opportunity to meet all the friends of the family. In retrospect, this was the last time before the Corona epidemic.
A word to Martin Hartl. He brought us through the time of the pandemic successfully with the weekly virtual meeting of Golden Stomach and friends that he organized. We cannot thank him enough for this and ask that he continue to hold our community together and help to move forward. Next point is the
Expanding the YAP idea
Under the leadership of the international YAP convenor Christoph Haenssler and with the help of all YAP convenors this great idea has been implemented in many more member states.At the moment it is unfortunately interrupted but I am convinced that it will soon start again with a full program. On this point I may present you two pictures.
As Austrian YAP Convenor from 2004 to 2010 and then as International President I could welcome the YAP group in South Africa in 2018. They had just made a great tour through South Africa with Nico Mc Namara.
During a visit to the AGM in Switzerland, a Yaper from Switzerland, a young and attractive well educated girl student gave an account of her experiences that carried everyone away and we were all reaffirmed: The YAP idea is our most important program in 41 International.
And finally an important point for me and I hope also for 41 InternationalService for Support Education worldwide
This idea is already supported and implemented by many members. Maybe together with the RT Family we will manage to implement this service idea with our own annual service program. Then we can point out even more strongly: 41 International and the 41-ers stand for “Support Education”. My personal experiences in Senegal and Kisuma/Kenya show that this is important.
Thanks to all friends on the board
Thanks to all presidents and all members in our big community
Thanks to all my club friends in Austria and especially the former president and IRO Jonny Weber.
Thanks to Michi Lassnig the president of my Home-Club 41 St.Veit an der Glan. Michi has accompanied me at every international AGM and HYM since 2015.
Thanks to my family and to Roswitha who supported me so much during this trip.
And my last official wish to Luca and the following Presidents is:
Let’s work together for a strong 41 Family
Ulrich Suppan
41 INTERNATIONAL President 2018/2019