YAP TOURs 2022

Dear YAP applicants

As you all know only too well the last two years have been very difficult for everyone because of the spread of the Corona Virus throughout the world. This resulting in the cancellation of all of the proposed YAP Tours because travel restrictions.

However, this year we want to give Young Ambassadors the best chance of joining a tour and below are the details of the new program of tours that are planned:

At this stage we still have some incertitude, and ask that the following points are noted and adhered to:

– all YAP applicants must be vaccinated according to the existing rules in the different countries they may visit.

please send in your completed applications to your National YAP Convenor by March 15th

we will not be able to confirm that any Tour will ‘GO AHEAD’ until at least March 31st and in some cases confirmation could be later.

it is understood that the YAP -famex organization cannot be held liable or be deemed responsible for any consequences that the late cancellation of a tour(s) bring(s) about because of government regulations in any of the participating countries.

The YAP Convenors from all the countries involved have worked very hard (and will continue to do so) to ensure that the Tours will offer a fantastic opportunity to all participants.

They are also very optimistic that circumstances will allow the full program to take place and the positive outlook for travel will offer a change for the better for all!

Best regards

Christoph Haenssler

International YAP Convenor