Dear Friends of 41 INTERNATIONAL,
The actual situation in the Ukraine is for all of us incomprehensible – we are shocked. As most of you are aware, Old Tablers Germany is, together with Round Table Germany, Ladies Circle Germany and Agora Club Tangent Germany organising the annual Christmas Parcel and Help Aid Convoy to the Ukraine. Over the years we have built a great network of friends who will coordinate locally all efforts of these convoys.
After we have heard about these shocking news, we initiated a help organisation immediately, using the infrastructure of the 2 convoy organisations which act under the “Foundation Round Table Germany”. The Old Tablers Board informed all Old Tablers in Germany with a Newsletter which you can find below/attached about the special needs and the contact persons.
It is simply great to see how Tabling can support people in emergency situations and how fast this can happen. I am very proud to be part of this wonderful network.
As there is an immense need for monetary donations and medical large equipment we would like to inform the network of 41 International what is needed and about the way, how you can support.
Here a few more facts for you to understand:
Important: we are not going to a war zone! We deliver to the border regions in Poland and Moldova, where our friends from the Ukraine will pick the donations up.
EVERYONE wants to roll up their sleeves and put their own power on the road. Enormous, how the mailbox fills with motivated ideas. We want to get everything in the right direction, that is important to all of us now.
Donations in kind in smaller units are enormously difficult at the moment, because the Ukrainians have communicated to us relatively clearly what is needed. At a later stage, this will certainly become even more relevant.
We “only” get as far as the border. The storage capacities at these places are limited and the risk of picking up and the effort for it, is gigantic for the Ukrainians.
That is why we are so annoying with the issue of monetary donations. Only with this we can deliver exactly what is urgently needed, especially during the first important trips.
Monetary donations can go straight to the account of the foundation named in the newsletter attached or directly to: reference/usage: “Konvoi” ; transferring through “family and friends” to avoid additional cost of PayPal.
We show our solidarity. We show that we have not forgotten Ukraine. We show our support.
Our Ukrainian partners would like us to accept donations from abroad and use them in this project. What stronger proof of trust can there be towards us? Let us build on it.
Thanks a lot for your support!
Yours in Tabling
Robert Lerch
Präsident 2020 – 2022
National President 2020 – 2022
Old Tablers Deutschland – Old Tablers Germany