Club 41 India – Highlights of the Year

Dear 41ers
Honoured to share a presentation on the performance of 41 organisations for the year 2023-24
Highlights of the Year
* 4x growth in fund raise and 9x growth in FTDE Projects executed
* Projects at scale – 253 FTDE projects, 54 SYJ projects, 18 toilet blocks, 1 FTE School block.
* Project outlay Rs 1.69 Cr benefiting 65k+ Children.
* Fund raise: 1.54 Cr. 80G certificate has been issued to all.
* Extension: 15 charters & 232 members added. Net membership 3871 in 276 active clubs
* International extension: Dubai Falcons Club no 1 chartered
* YAPs: 24 inbound YAPpers on two India tours and 27 outbound YAPpers across 5 tours
* 41 India Mobile App: New 41 India mobile launched
* Media Coverage: Our projects received extensive media coverage in print & TV channels
* AAF: Rs 17.88 Lakhs collected up from 10.59 lakhs due to higher AAF amount approved in the last AGM
* Fellowship Galore. 10 MTMs, FAMIT, Inter-Area & City meets, YAPs get togethers apart from club meets
Thanks for your support & encouragement
41er Srini
Srinivasu Saraswatula
President 2023-24
41 India/Association of 41 Clubs of india