41 Brazil address to the 41 International AGM South Africa [Christoph Weimann]
Dear 41 Club Members International, dear Members of the 41 Club of South Africa, dear Engelbert, dear Makarius and all members and guests present today,
we from the 41 Club of Brazil apreceate the chance to be represented at your meeting at least vocally by Mr. Christoph Weimann and want to thank him for his efforts to connect us worldwide and to speak a few words in our name to wish all of you a perfect time at this wonderful Sun City Resort.
Hopefully you all have the chance to visit many of the beautiful places of South Africa and have a great time together.
Dear Christoph, dear Engelbert, dear Makarius, with your help our club has been founded about half a year ago and until now this has been a great experience of connecting people. We want to thank all of you very much once again for this chance.
As you will also discuss how to help the Round Table identifying and searching new candidates, we hope you will come up with some good ideas in this direction. We have the same difficulties here in Brazil and look forward to learn from your experience and ideas.
Unfortunately none of us here in Brasil had the chance to participate personally at this AGM Meeting in South Africa. You can be sure that many, if not all of us, would have liked to be with you right now at this beautiful resort to make new friendships and strenghten our already existing bonds.
Instead, we send our warmest greetings to all of you and hopefully you will share a big part of your experience with many pictures and information available on the 41 International Homepage.
At least, we look forward to see many of you at our own official inauguration party in november 2017 here in São Paulo. We hope this will also be a great experience for all participators and that we will also have a great time together.
For now, we all send you our best wishes and greetings and stay with you at this meeting in our minds.
Yours In Continued Friendship & Tabling(YicF & T)
Joachim Teufel
President 41 Club of Brazil and all 41 Club Members of Brazil