Side by Side – Report AGM Austria 2017 [Ulrich Suppan]
For the first time RT-Austria, Lady Circle Austria and Club 41 Austria, celebrated a common AGM.
About 400 friends come together in Amstätten (a small town about 100 kilometres near Vienna) in the so called “Mostviertel”. This region near Wachau – a world top wine region – is famous for the production of perry cider made of pears.
The Friday Get together Party took place in a typical country restaurant with an amazing decoration. Also the participants of the pre-tour (RTA-Edelweiß-Tour) celebrated after 6 Days the amazing adventures with a lot of stories and per milles.
About 70 delegates from the 41 Clubs of Austria took part on the AGM. It was my last AGM as a member of the Austrian Bord after 14 years and I also represented our IP Bruce. After the warm welcome of the Int. guests represented Swiss (VP Noe Zanete), Italy (P Alberto Ivo Dormio), IRO Luca Colombo) and France (IRO Jean Claude Vogler) we listened to the video massage of IP Bruce. Than we have a short discussion about the attraction and the future name of 41 International. I explained the importance about this topic especially the binding to RT.
The many results of the AGM:
- 41 Austria has in the future only an electronic member directory.
- Since 10 years we have a common club magazine (Club 41, RT, LC) four times a years, and it was a 90 % vote to continue the full paper version.
- Three new clubs are in foundation.
- The new P Jonny Weber anode a new price – the Louis Marchesi Price for the most RT members coming to a 41 Club in a year.
- The sergeant and arms (Noe and Wickerl) collected 1000 euro to support the earthquake victims in Italy.
The common gala dinner had the motto (The 1920ies) in the typical Austrian style in celebrating, eating, drinking and dancing.
It was a perfect Side-by-Side weekend and all the participant leave with a big input to work on in our wonderful 41 and RT world.
Thank to you all friends in Austria,
Ulrich Suppan
41 International VP
4 Clubs – one vision