41 Sri Lanka on the rise [Tom Albrigtsen, 41 Norway]
41er Juzar Adamaly covered the history of Round Table in Sri Lanka and shared some stories of international friendship. 41 President of Sri Lanka Romesh Fonseca (on picture) also shared his personal history of how round Table brought him back to life after a car crash leaving him DOA at the hospital. A very strong story of friendship!
Chamika Godamanna past RTI sectratary gave an introduction to Round Table etiquette, acronyms and culture. He covered a lot of facts about how a serious organisation actually run and the administration behind charity and fellowship. Lastly Tom Albrigtsen(on picture), past President RT International 2004-2005 shared some history of Round Table and shared some personal experiences from the time as President.
The 41ers of Sri Lanka are excited to support RT Sri Lanka hosting the RTI World Meeting in 2018 and we hope to see them at the 41ers AGM in Austria in 2018.
Tom Albrigtsen