Alpenboard Meeting in Verona, the city of love. [Rolf Scheifele]

This year’s meeting of the Alps adjacent countries was hosted by Club41 Verona. Beate and I were lucky; we arrived early in Verona, so enough time for the best ice cream, and a city tour in Verona with a visit to the arena.
Five countries, 15 officials and some guests and of course accompanied by our ladies we met in Verona.
On Friday evening everything started with an aperitif in a wine bar close to the hotel. Then we changed to a restaurant famous for a very typical Veronese food “Bollito con Pearà”. For sure more than one can eat. On Saturday morning our business meeting took place. This had to be on time, because the mayor of Verona welcomed us. The friends of Club 41 Verona really have very good connections. At the meeting, we had an intense exchange about the situation in the countries and the plans for digital members directory (very different opinions). But the Tabler World is picking up here too. Of course the current topics of 41 International have been discussed: The return of France, Name Change and the “Service Award for Education”. Also the YAP program was one of our topics; and we have raffled the Travel Bingo of the Alpine Board countries.

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In the evening we met in front of the Balcony of Juliet! And what a great surprise, we were offered a flying theater! Of course, the story of Romeo and Juliet was given, but not in a theater, the different scenes took place in different areas throughout the city. And of course, with the participation of some talented members of the audience! The dinner then took place the home of a member of 41 Club Verona.  A wonderful evening, with live music, great food, delicious wines and good conversation. Too bad, that we had to leave again…

National IRO Germany