Report from AGM GB&I in Torquay 2019 [Ulrich Suppan]

The last AGM in this clubyear was amazing!

More than 400 41er and Tangents from GB&I came together in Torquai, a small tourist town since Queen Victoria on England’s Riviera in Devon, 3,5h by train from London! Int guests from Belgium, Netherlands,France, Switzerland Denmark, Austria, Italy and Romania started on Friday with the Banner exchange and afterward with the President Banquet with Phill and Paula! They ignited together with P of RT and LC 4 friendship candles and during the dinner they continued with special addresses and responses and of course with a toast to the Queen! Very festive and in 41 🇬🇧 tradition and I can recommend everyone to take part once! Also traditional -live music: hot and loud and the dance floor full till 1 o clock! And a break- fire alarm for 1/2hour! And I got a special present from 41 Norwich( Des Fulcher, South Norfolk 41 Club): a limited edition copy of an original photo from Louis Marchesi which was discovered at Cinema City, Norwich, where the first official meeting took place in 1927!

The AGM was attended by about 200 delegates and visitors. Also Int PP John Bellwood!  GB&I lives a strong clublife with monthly sports events and service and social happenings in their regions. They are blessed with more than 700 Clubs in 15 regions with 14.500 members! RT currently counts only 3.500 members, therefore they want to support them to grow! The main idea to support them is to work for the community and … still tabling! I was also impressed by the serious and also sometimes funny discussions during the AGM!

Pres. Phill reported on his charity project to support the organization for helping kids with Muscular Dystrophy! Very emotional!

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Then the election between two candidates for GB&I candidate for Int VP : elected Barry Durman! And election for GB&I VP: elected our Int friend IRO Peter Good! The presentations of each candidate showed us the good work in the past and the visions for the future! I was able to present my annual motto and it was very similar with their! Welcome and good work for our ideas! The income Pres. Andrew Mackereth presented his program : partnership to RT , attending Yap program and service project for supporting water rescue. At the end all together sang our RT song!

After a short resting time on the sunny, lovely seaside we celebrate a fancy dress party: Pirats take over Torquay! Thank you for a wonderful weekend!


Ulrich Suppan

41 International President


Mobil. +43 6643417339

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