In extraordinary times, extraordinary measures !! President Letter
The International Board
Brussels, 1st May 2020
Dear 41 International and Round Table Family Friends,
In extraordinary times, extraordinary measures.
As you know already from my last mail of late March, the organisers of the Verona AGM will not be in a position to organise our annual meeting. A plan was then discussed to have both our AGM and HYM together in Brasov in mid-September. However the situation in September still shows every sign of being too early and risky for many. A large international gathering of people will certainly not be advisable at that time.
Therefore the 41 International board has decided to postpone both the Verona AGM and the Brasov HYM to 2021. This unique move was decided after listening to our partners from Italy and Romania, but also consulting past international presidents, our future candidates to vice-presidency for the years to come and Tangent International. It was not an easy decision, but until the situation clears up in terms of travelling and hosting safety or until a vaccine is available, we would rather stay on the safe side and avoid the organisation of these high risk international meetings. It also shows respect to all those who have worked hard to prepare these events and wished to welcome us all in the best conditions.
This radical decision has got implications. Let me review a few ones with you.
What about the new dates of AGM Verona and HYM Brasov?
Since we wanted to respect and preserve all the efforts of the local organisers we have decided to keep the venues and only change the calendar. Also, many airlines will offer the possibility to extend bookings to another time for those who had already made them. Let’s hope this will be feasible for all.
AGM Verona 2021 will take place on 28-30th May 2021. HYM Brasov will be organised on 15-17th October 2021. This means, of course, that AGM 2021 in Bergen, Norway and HYM 2021 Odense, Denmark will also be postponed one year later, in 2022. AGM Bergen will be held on 20-23 May 2022 and HYM 2022 Odense on 23-25 September 2022.
What about refunds?
Both the Verona and Brasov organisers have agreed to refund all who have booked and paid the registration fees, minus some bank transfer costs imposed in Romania. However since most of the participants to these events may still be the same as in 2020 we have agreed that the 2020 fees paid would automatically cover the registrations fees of 2021. Those who want their money back now will need to send an email to the event organisers.
Verona 2020 team:
Brasov 2020 team:
What about an online meetings?
An online meeting with the national presidents will be announced in mid-May. And another one, with all the delegates is planned for 6th June, at the date when Verona 2020 was supposed to take place.
The forum and discussions that were supposed to take place in Brasov 2020 will be held online next September. An agenda and working documents will be sent for the 3 online meetings.
What about the International board?
Any International president in 2020 will be confronted to a mostly “confined year”, being unable to confirm any flight or presence at any national meeting, which would be quite sad. The same goes for this unfinished year 2019-20. All the board’s and president’s flights to the AGMs of April and May, even Brasov in September were paid months ago already, but will not take place. Except for the vice-presidency, there was no new nomination planned in Verona. The team has been working for a year now and all know their jobs well. That is why it was decided to keep the current, unchanged board working and prolong their terms until our next AGM in Verona, in May 2021. This in accordance with article 5a of our rules. That way of working will allow the next president and his new board a better chance to travel, envoy a normal term of office and be able to attend local meetings more safely.
What about the budget and capitation fees?
Since we will not have a new team, the 2019-20 budget will still be effective in 2020-21 until Verona. Hopefully, the flight bookings that were made for this year can still be valid in 2021. The extra operational costs such as bank charges, publications, IT platforms, ASBL administration (our new non-profit, legal association) will be added to the current budget that will therefore present a deficit. Nothing to worry about: we have enough bank reserve to cover for them. No additional fee will be requested from the member associations for 2020-21. They will be free to save that money for their own local projects. In any case, this board intends to send the delegates the current state of our accounts and yearly balance in the coming days, for everyone to see.
What about the elections and motions sent in for Verona 2020?
Two associations (Morocco and Mauritius) duly sent their applications for the vice-presidency of 2022-23. These applications will be frozen and remain unchanged. No other nominations will be accepted in 2020-2021.
The motions acceptance period will be extended to January 2021. Only one motion for a rule change was presented in 2020, by Norway. This motion will remain unchanged and be tabled in Verona 2021. However it will be sent to you for a possible online Forum early discussion that will be organised online, next September
What about communication?
Communication will be maintained as usual through our official channels, the official web page, the Facebook page, The Communiqué. In addition, a new online platform will be introduced via Zoom, Microsoft teams, Skype or other means. Of course, the international team remains available for any questions at any time.
What about our new legal structure founded in February?
A first general assembly of the founding members took place prior to the Luxembourg signing of the documents, last February. A second general assembly was planned in Verona to extend the ASBL (non profit intended association) to all the member associations. Documents will be sent in the coming days and the new general assembly will be held online in the June during the delegates meeting.
What about the 2020 YAP Programme?
The International YAP convenor board have the decided that all Yap related travels will be cancelled this year. Candidates that were registered for this year will have a priority to travel next year. The information has already been circulated by the YAP-Famex organisation.
What about your questions?
We, in the international board of 2019-20, are trying to do our best to manage an unprecedented situation that is leading us into unknown territory. It is still difficult to tell what the coming year will be like. We hope our way to handle this crisis is the good one. But who can be sure?
We wish to have your opinion about the matter, and certainly everyone has questions too. This is why an online meeting has been planned with the national associations around or after mid-May. The exact date is not fully determined yet. In order to better organise the meeting all presidents are invited to send in their questions to us via our .
In the meantime, on behalf of all the international board let me wish you well and remind you to stay safe, for you and all you love!
Yours in 41 International
Luc Trigaux,
41 International president