Introducing the e-Club
«The lost boys club»
Are you an ex-Round Tabler?
Do you live in a country were there is no 41 Club?
Then we can help!
A new concept has been introduced by the 41 INTERNATIONAL Board, it is called the 41 e-Club. This concept is to link members who are not able to form clubs or be a part of an association because of distance or lack of members.
The basic process is to collect individual members from non-current INTERNATIONAL member countries, with a nominal membership fee into an International e-Club. These members will enjoy all the facilities that a normal associate member enjoys except the right to vote. They can attend the physical meetings at HYM/AGM. Once these e-Club members have enough members they can form a club or be a part of an association and enjoy all the benefits of full membership.
A simple form needs to be filled in by the applicant and sent to the 41 Board. On receipt of the form an invoice will be raised and on payment of the invoice the applicant shall become a member of the e-Club which is part of the 41er.World.
To register: Click here to apply for membership