Join a 41 Club

You are or were in Round Table ….
And you want to continue Tabling after 40 ….
41 Club is the club for former Round Tablers ….
And you are most welcome
Looking to join a 41 Club?
It may be that you are just about to leave Round Table or you have left a little while ago and miss the fun and fellowship you had or even just moved location and want to find a new club. Whatever your motivations are we’re delighted you are considering joining.
So what can we offer?
Well first of all there is the fun and fellowship that we all got used to as members of the best young men’s organisation in the world. Despite the fact that we might no longer be young in age we continue to be young at heart. Our clubs offer a real variety. Some of our clubs simply retain the fellowship through regular meetings and dinners but the banter remains the same. Some of our newer clubs are just extensions of Round Table with an interesting programme of meetings, events and energetic activities. Whichever it is, they still enjoy the traditions of meeting friends over a beer (or two).
Some clubs engage in meetings with other clubs which can involve all sorts of challenges from sporting to cerebral. Many clubs are now getting involved in Community activities, supporting local and national charities and fund raising in support of the local Round Table.
41 Club has a great National Conference each year and the many Tablers and Circlers who join us each year all remark on the fact that “These guys and girls still know how to party” and party hard we do.
41 Club also has a very strong International presence. Many of our clubs have retained links from Round Table and there have been some new ones established as well.
Over the past couple of years we have established a monthly electronic newsletter “41 Communiqué” which is sent by e-mail to all our members. Have a look at that on the web site to see what is going on in 41 Club now.
As has always been the case though you can only get out what you are prepared to put in. So please contact us through email: for any questions to be answered.
Join Round Table
Membership of Round Table is open to young men between the ages of 18 and 40 or 45 depending on your country of residence irrespective of their religious beliefs or political opinions.
You would normally join an individual club where you work or where you live so that you can benefit most from your membership as you certainly get out of it what you put in, as with any hobby. Most clubs meet twice a month and are responsible for creating their own programmes. This means that no two clubs are exactly the same. One meeting might be activity based and the next might involve a matter of local concern or provide an insight into a local business and there are always plenty of social events for partners or wives and families to get to know each other.
Join Round Table now
So your local club doesn’t meet your needs?
Not to worry we have found that’s the case with many recent Round Tablers and we are happy to encourage the formation of a new club. We have an initiative running called “Mind the Gap – Bring ‘emBack” to encourage former Tablers to join a 41 Club or even to form a new 41 Club. Members of 41 Clubs are often called ‘41ers’.
International Bonding through the 41er Movement
The 41er and Old Tabler Clubs were formed to maintain the bonds of friendship which unite all Ex-Tablers. The International Association– 41 INTERNATIONAL – was formed for the same purpose. Besides developing fellowship among members of Clubs in each country, the International Association encourages and provides the opportunity for members from different countries to come together and develop closer relations at the International Annual General Meeting and Half-Yearly Meeting as well as during the AGM’s of individual countries. Delegates from across the world try to participate in such events to further bonding among members.